Insecure startup item disabled

As a follow-up to my post about startup items, I want to point out that a Startup Item must have proper permissions or it will be disabled at startup with the following message:

The error message saying a startup item has been disabled

In my case, the files under /Library/StartupItems/MyApache still belonged to me instead of root:wheel.

Fixed with a simple:

mbp:StartupItems florent$ sudo chown -Rv root:wheel /Library/StartupItems/MyApache/

It also appears that StartupItems permissions need to be set to 755 (executable/script file) and 644 (plist file) respectively.

2 thoughts on “Insecure startup item disabled”

    1. Hello Derek!
      You can change the permissions with either the chmod command in the Terminal. The syntax is:
      chmod [mode] [file]

      For example, to set the correct permissions for your plist file, you’ll have to execute:
      sudo chmod 644 /Library/StartupItems/MyApache/StartupParameters.plist

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